Modifying Domain Nameservers or DNS Records

If your domain is not registered through Melbourne IT, you won't be able to perform the below actions within the Console. You will need to manage the delegation of your domain with the company that you have it registered with. To determine which registrar your domain is registered with and who you should contact for assistance, perform a Whois lookup against your domain name. A Whois lookup will also allow you to see what name servers your domain is currently delegated to.

Modify your domains name servers

To modify the name servers your domain is currently delegated to, follow the instructions below.

  1. Log into your Account
  2. Click the domain you want to make changes to
  3. On the next page, click Domain Name and ensure that the domain is unlocked or has N/A
  4. Scroll down to the Domain Delegation section
  5. Type in the name servers you want to point your domain name to in the host name text fields
  6. Click [Update Name Servers]

Please note, DNS changes can take several hours to propagate. You may not notice the changes or see your website right away.

Cloud Hosting name servers

If you are subscribed to our Cloud Hosting, Domain Manager or Business Email Hosting services, you should delegate your domains to these name servers:


cPanel Hosting name servers

If you are subscribed to our cPanel Hosting services, you should delegate your domains to the these name servers:
