Am I eligible for DPML?

Note: This article covers Melbourne IT DPS customers only.

In order to purchase a domain protected mark list, the following are required;

1. You must own a trademark
You must own a registered trademark in order to purchase DPML. This trademark can be used to purchase a DPML block for;

  • New gtld domains exactly matching your trademark
  • New gtld domains that contain your trademarked term within the domain name

2. Register your trademark with TMCH
Upon registering your trademark with TMCH, you will be provided with a SMD file. This SMD file must be submitted to DONUTS for verification purposes to authenticate you as the trademark holder, and allow you to proceed with the purchase a DPML block. For more information about TMCH, please click here.

3. Character Limitations on DPML Terms
The word or string that you want to apply a DPML block on must be at least 3 characters long. For trademarks that are exactly 3 characters long, they can only be an exact match of the DPL term.


TrademarkDPML TermValidity
YahooyahooYes - exact match
YahooyahoooooYes - DPML term contains the trademark
ApplemyappleYes - DPML term contains the trademark
IBMibmservicesNo - 3 character trademarks must be an exact match of the DPML term
Verizonver1zonNo - not exact match / containing trademark
AMEXmyamexcardYes - DPML term contains the trademark
UnitedParcelServicesunitedparcelsservicesNo - not exact match / containing trademark

For more information, please contact your Account Manager.