SSL Certificates
Purchase Overview
To purchase a SSL through Melbourne IT
Head over to: and place an order for an SSL
For Melbourne IT's Legacy Cloud hosting
Please Note: We have chosen to exclusively support Geotrust's QuickSSL Premium. If you wish to use another SSL please use one of our cPanel plans.
- Place the order for the SSL via the Melbourne IT website or over the phone
- Your order will be automatically processed and your SSL will be installed.
For Melbourne IT's cPanel hosting
- Place the order for the SSL via the Melbourne IT website or over the phone
- Receive an enrolment email from the supplier
- Generate a CSR on the server via the Melbourne IT cPanel interface
- Email the CSR to the provider for validation
- Provider emails you the completed certificate
- Install the certificate via the Melbourne IT cPanel interface
If your hosting is with a third party, the timeline is as below:
- Place the order for the SSL via the Melbourne IT website or over the phone
- Receive an enrolment email from the supplier
- Generate a CSR on the server via your host’s control panel
- Email the CSR to the provider for validation
- Provider emails you the completed certificate
- Install the certificate via your host’s control panel
If you run your own server, the timeline is as follows:
- Place the order for the SSL via the Melbourne IT website or over the phone
- Receive an enrolment email from the supplier
- Generate a CSR on the server using shell command line access
- Download and install the intermediate certificate
- Email the CSR to the provider for validation
- Provider emails you the completed certificate
- Install the certificate via your host’s control panel
We have created an article detailing the common issues encountered when setting up an SSL. So if the steps outlined above do not happen during a reasonable timeframe (3 to 5 days), it’s worth reading over to see if any of the known problems (and solutions!) are applicable in your case.
Updated 3 months ago