Reporting Domain Name Policy Breaches

For complaints relating to domain name breaches of policy or other related activity, please contact [email protected] and ATTN: Admin and Billing in the subject.

Some examples of domain name policy breaches include:

  • Cybersquatting: Registering a domain name with the bad faith intent of profiting from the goodwill or reputation of someone else's trademark, brand identity, company name, or personal name
  • Domain Taste-Testing: Registering a domain name for a short period of time to determine its profitability, and then having it deleted it for a refund
  • False Contact Information: Intentionally entering in false, misleading or inaccurate contact information when registering a domain name
  • Copyright Infringement: Using a domain name to host copyrighted material without permission from the copyright owner
  • DNS abuse: a broad term used by auDA that covers the misuse of a domain name

What happens after I report a domain name policy breach?

Our Admin and Billing team reviews these reports of domain name policy breaches and if there is evidence of infringement they will take action to inform the appropriate regulatory body and authorities such as ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and auDA (au Domain Administration). If required, they will communicate this breach to the domain owners and any impacted parties.