My Domain Is In REDEMPTION Status! What Do I Do?
When a generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) name (.com, .net, .org, .biz, etc) has expired for more than 30 days, it is automatically assigned a redemption WHOIS status for another 30 days. During this period the current registrant (owner of the domain) still maintains the option to renew the domain. A domain may be recovered from redemption at any time during this 30-day period. A fee will apply, which also includes the first year of renewal. This fee is collected by Melbourne IT on behalf of the registry. Should a domain not be recovered from redemption, it will be deleted from the registry and become available for new registration.
To recover a domain name from redemption, please contact our customer care team here.
Note: Melbourne IT subscription services, such as web hosting or email hosting, don't automatically terminate on domain name expiration. Customers are required to cancel any services that are no longer needed on a given domain name.
Do not gamble on lapsing your registration to avoid Redemption recovery cost
It is becoming increasingly common for domain names to be backordered, which means that your expiring domain name could already be scheduled for registration by another person. Domains are commonly registered the instant they become available by "domain monetisers" (people who make money by buying and selling domains), who then charge the original domain owner an exorbitant price to regain control of the domain.
In light of this increasing trend, customers wishing to keep a domain that has entered the redemption period should submit a redemption request rather than wait for the domain to be deleted. We can't guarantee that the domain won't be registered by another party when it becomes available, and the redemption charges are likely to be much less than the costs asked by a new registrant.
Updated about 1 year ago