The gTLD domain expiration cycle

Note: This article covers Melbourne IT DPS customers only.

Generic top level domains (gtlds) include the following domain extensions:

Notifications Leading to Domain Name Expiry
Depending on whether your domain name has auto-renewal turned on, you will receive the following reminders in the lead up to domain expiry;

  • Auto-renewal on;
60 days prior to expiryEmail advising you that your domain name will automatically renew in 30 days
30 day prior to expiryWe will attempt to renew your domain
  • Autorenewal off;
NotificationCustomer Action
89/30/5 days prior to expiryEmail reminders that expiry date is approaching, advising you to take action to renew your domain

What Happens After Gtld Domain Name Expiry

On expiryDomain is immediately places in ‘client hold’ status. This prevents the DNS on the domain name from resolving.
0 to 30 days after expiryGrace period where domain may still be renewed
30 to 60 days after expiryRedemption period where domain may be recovered, but redemption charges are significantly higher than regular renewal fees.
60 to 65 days after expiryDomain is placed in ‘pending delete’ status, meaning that the registry is in the process of deleting the domain name to make it available for the public to register. It cannot be renewed any longer.

For more information, please contact your Account Manager.