Melbourne IT Managed Exchange MX records

If your using our Managed Exchange service you'll need to setup your DNS records in order for your email service to start functioning.

MX Records

In order for you start receiving mail to your email service with us you'll need to make sure you have these MX records. These records are responsible for telling the internet where to deliver the mail, every time an email is sent the first thing it looks for is these.

  • Priority 10:
  • Priority 50:

Required CNAMES

Managed Exchange requires an autodiscover record to function correctly. This autodiscover record allows an email client to connect to a mailbox. It's also responsible for the functionality of your calenders, contacts and other extended features of Managed Exchange.

  • autodiscover IN CNAME

Optional CNAMES

Here are a few more CNAMES which we recommend you use. Alongside your Managed Exchange email service you have the option to create POP mailboxes. For ease of use when setting up email clients we recommend creating the following DNS records.

  • mail IN CNAME
  • pop IN CNAME
  • smtp IN CNAME